Monday, October 30, 2017

What true leaders don’t do

People hold leaders up to a higher standard. That means they should set the right example at all times. Leaders are usually scrutinized more than others. A lot more is expected of them compared to their subordinates. As such, leaders have a small margin of error when it comes to making mistakes. However, it should also be noted that some mistakes are just plain easier to make than others. 

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It has been observed in the past that leaders who have just taken up the responsibility for the first time have a difficult time adjusting. One of the most common things they do is being too personal with the people under them. True leaders don’t do that. True leaders are always professional and have their eyes set on a certain goal. Though there is room for interaction in a personal capacity, it is very limited. 

Some leaders, though professional, tend to be too educational. This means that they spend a lot of time teaching their subordinates instead of letting them learn on their own. Provided there’s nobody present to train the people under him, the leader should educate new members of the group on the broad strokes and have them learn the rest. 

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Patrick Lanning of Oregon has extensive knowledge on leadership. Know more about his work through this page.