Saturday, September 30, 2017

Why team building is essential in the workplace

Team building is not exactly a favorite word in the workplace. In most companies, team buildings mean an awkward day or weekend with colleagues. But despite its not so stellar reputation, team building activities are important to make stronger, more efficient teams in the workplace. Here are several reasons companies should embrace team building activities. 

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Builds trust. Team building activities build trust among team members. Trust is vital in business, especially among people who work together every single day. Businesses can’t live without teams, and for teams to achieve what the business needs, team members need to trust each other so they can be comfortable working together. 

Increases collaboration among members. Team building activities create strong bonds between members. These activities encourage employees to create solutions without having to blame others for their shortcomings. 

Encourages better communication. Employees learn how to communicate their needs with these activities. It encourages them to listen to what others have to say and speak whatever it is that they have on their minds in a calm manner. 

Helps ease conflicts. People have different personalities, and these may cause disputes and misunderstandings among members. Team building activities help ease conflicts by encouraging members to know each other on a different level. 

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Patrick Lanning, Ed.D., is a leader and facilitator with a Doctorate in Leadership Education from the Oregon State University. Visit this LinkedIn page to learn more about his work.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Tips On How To Start And Keep Employees Engaged

In consulting firm Deloitte’s survey on work environments last 2016, it was shown that the most important movement in businesses is “Culture and Engagement.” However, a little less than 70 percent of U.S. employees are miserable and discontented with their work, leading to high employee turnover and low productivity.
Companies should then make sure that many, if not all, of their employees are engaged. Here are some tips how to do that:
  • Establish a clear vision: The vision serves not just as the company’s direction and what it intends to achieve, it also provides a roadmap for employees. A clearly defined vision guides the organization’s members in navigating the business’s twists and turns.
  • Communicate and connect: A culture that fosters consistent and clear communication boosts a company and encourages everyone to commit to do their job. Beyond communication, though, finding ways to connect with team members individually can also play a huge role in shaping their workplace experience.
  • Focus on developing strengths: Some team leaders are bent on improving members’ weaknesses until the exercise becomes counterproductive. Instead, their strengths should be identified and developed. In doing so, they can become actively engaged in the workplace.

Leadership and life coach Patrick Lanning from Oregon helps his clients draw solutions geared toward transformative learning. He has had 25 years of experience in higher education, which had him encountering many challenges and opportunities that have influenced his approach and belief in the transformative power of life changing and learning. Read more about Mr. Lanning here.